Hello Everyone,
My name is Leilany and I’d like to share a little about me if you were a teeny bit interested behind the person updating this website. I obtained my bachelors degree in Neurobiology Physiology and Behavior with a minor in English from the University of California and have been fascinated by the intracasies and discoveries of the brain for a while now. As a very curious individual I have been obsessing over the why’s and how’s behind how neuroscience affects our behavior and how we can use science to live healthier and happier lives. Therefore I wanted to create this space to tackle many questions that arise and any personal experiences that might be useful. I will do my best to explain the science as clear as I can as we tackle many concepts with links to the original research if applicable. I greatly appreciate you for taking the time to be here in this space! Stay connected with me through social media to follow me through my journey of a postbac in neuroscience research and untimately a PhD in Neuroscience.
All the best,